January 3, 2021


[2020--07-25-SA__U] DR

DREAM Content:  UFO Sighting

Realness Level (12, Highest):  8

Saturday, JULY 25, 2020


I see a UFO outside my window at night and fear that its occupants will enter my apartment. I think of a place to hide.


[Participating, all Scenes]


It is nighttime. I'm looking out the bedroom window of my current apartment (but with a better view of the sky). In the sky, I see an ugly dark gray circular UFO (mostly forgotten); and it puts me on my guard. Straight away, I fear that it will land and that the beings aboard the craft will enter my apartment.

In apprehension, I back away from the window and think of places to hide.

SCENE 2   (Same location)

Still nighttime. I am at the window again. The UFO has landed on the lawn and is partially out of view. The craft has an odd curved shape. I am terrified--certain--that 'they' will come in and get me. I rush from the window. There is a feeling that the ETs are entering the apt. I awake.


Current apt, UFO


nighttime, bedroom window, sky, dark ugly UFO,  emotion (fear of intrusion),  wanting to hide . . . lawn, partially hidden, odd shape, terror, intrusion


[1.]   Possibly a fragment of a waking event voluntarily or manipulatively hidden from the conscious mind by self or outside source and now buried at the subconscious level. The subconscious mind is revealing the event in the  dreamstate in order to bypass the conscious mind. The event is revealed as it actually happened or in a symbolic recreation which upon awakening, is remembered as a realistic or vivid 'dream'.

[2.]   Possible abduction screen memory

[3.]   An actual waking event experienced in the astral plane or experienced in a parallel life or reality and remembered as a dream.

[4.]  May be purely symbolic and not related to UFO/ET abduction or visitation at all.

[5.]  May be based on actual waking experience but also has a layer of symbolic meaning.


Dream depicted current indoor an outdoor setting to 95% accuracy. Fear-based emotion 100% true to personality if presented with similar scenario in waking life. 

Most dreams of UFOs, for me, are of handsome craft whether light or dark in color. The design and shape of the crafts often differ but are usually circular or cylindrical.

It has been suggested to me that at least some of my UFO/ET dreams may be screen memories for actual events or abductions that took place on the astral plane or in a parallel lifetime. 

Another possibility is that I may be having otherworldly interactions along various points of the purported many possible Earth timelines that exist for us. Upon awakening to my current reality, the events are remembered as a 'vivid or realistic dream'.


The two scenes appear to be in sequence with a brief break in time between the two. Scene two is a continuation of scene one. In Scene one I see a craft and fear an invasion of ETs, while in scene two the craft has already landed, the fear heightens, and I believe they are entering the apartment. 


[1.]  In waking reality, could a UFO have landed right where it did in the dream?  

If a craft was about 3 or 4 feet in diameter, it could fit, but it might have to be partly on both the lawn and sidewalk to avoid a nearby bush and outreaching tree branches. But a smaller craft could be maneuvered into the space.

[1.]  Did you notice in the hours or days that followed the dream, any physical damage or change to the lawn area dreamed of?

None. And never have I witnessed any changes to that lawn or its surrounding bushes. This seeming lack of damage (by radiation or whatever), has led me to suspect that many of  these 'realistic' dreams are possibly memories of events occurring outside or beyond my 'normal' reality. These dreams, in my opinion, are happening to some aspect and/or reality of self. Meaning, these contact 'dreams' are real on some level of my existence.


NIGHTTIME  =  What I am not aware of. What is hidden. What did I see in the dark? (a UFO)

APARTMENT =  Represents self. The apt is my reality, my space and my safe place.

BEDROOM =  Privacy on an intimate level. A place where one can be made vulnerable. What happened there?  (I saw a UFO and feared abduction by its occupants)

BEDROOM LIGHTING (Adequate)  =  Adequate lighting in a room depicts a level of awareness regarding some matter. Such lighting in my bedroom may denote that privately, I am aware of UFO/ET interaction, but still wish to avoid truth. [As to the night, perhaps I have kept the public in the dark even as proof draws ever closer]

WINDOW=  Perception. Since I am looking out, I am perceiving something separate from self. What did I see? What did I perceive? (a UFO hovering in the sky near my building at night)

UFO  =  Represents something I can't understand, something strange and ugly (the craft was described as such). An ugly or ugly-appearing unknown.

HOVERING  =  What is waiting. How close was the craft?  (Low in the sky near my building)

LANDED  =   I don't have to wait any longer.

FEAR  =  Literal. (What was my main or sole concern?  (That the craft occupants would enter the apartment; if they did, I would likely be taken against my will)

THINKING OF A PLACE TO HIDE  =  Wanting to avoid something or someone. Who or what did you wish to avoid and hide from?  (The craft occupants.) And why?  (To avoid abduction, to avoid being caught) Did you find a hiding place?  (No. The unseen occupants were already in the apt.

ENTITIES BELIEVED TO BE INSIDE THE APT  =   What I fear has arrived. The unknown is within my reach. What did I see?  ( Nothing, only sensed the ETs' were coming into the apt.) 

SENSED  =  What I know. OR What I know on a psychic level. Some level. Dream could be telling me that I am being abducted. But on a sensory or psychic level--inwardly, intimately, privately, I am aware of this, but publically I have not admitted to the possibility of waking state abduction.


My psyche is subconsciously revealing to me that I am aware of what is going on with regards to ET visitation, but I have not publically owned up to the presence of the phenomena in my life. 


The truth is that I have had 4 or 5 weird events in my life which could suggest alien involvement. No, 6 events. 

The first event was a vivid memory of a visit by a really tall humanoid being. 

The second event was seeing a crop circle in Upstate NY. The next event spans from age 18 till now in my 50s, where I have had numerous little marks appear on my body. 

Strongly coinciding with these marks are numerous realistic dream fragments of my seeing UFOs of all kinds these dreams and 99.5% of the marks began in 1989. 

The most telling event occurred in the late to mid 1980s, where I awoke partially paralyzed and heard a growl-like language and felt pressure on my lower stomach. I saw 2 or 3 very tall shadows leave the room and the paralysis ended. I was so damn scared. 

There was a kinda similar event, a year or so before but since both accounts were accidentally discarded, the details for that dream seem lost forever.

Well, that is that! I really would like to do some hypnosis and, perhaps, see if anything is really going on behind the scenes. 🙂😇